Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Highlights 2014

January 28, 2014  At the airport ready to head back to Haiti after a time of refreshing and refueling with family and friends. I will try to blow some warm weather north. Blessings to you all!!

February 22, 2014  
Stepped in the shower and held my hand under the water waiting for it to warm up. I was back in Minnesota for a minute before I realized that the water doesn't get warm. And by then the 3 seconds of water in the pipe heated by the sun was gone too. Sigh....But at least the candle which is my only source of light this evening is giving off a beautiful glow. The joys of Haiti. No blizzard of 2014 here.

February 24, 2014  just returned from a successful ministry time at the prison. 4 out of 5 cells were very attentive and in every cell someone could tell me the moral of the 4 different soil/seed story. The men told me they read their bibles many times a day and worshiped 3 times every day. Then they sang some worship songs for me. They are still on fire!!!!! It was so much fun!!!! The guards allowed me to stay for 2 hours!! That's a record!
I am going to start a bible study on Philippians next time and the men were all very excited about that too. They asked how much time I had to teach because they wanted to understand the bible.
Yep, definitely a blessed morning!!!!!

February 28, 2014  Team, Here is an excerpt from a message I sent a friend this morning. 
A great example of how God can transform lives regardless of circumstance.
I can't wait to introduce you to my new friends, who may be in chains, but are more
free than ever. I visited the prison again this morning and was so blessed!!! 
At first the guard wouldn't let us in. I tried explaining that the director had given me 
permission, but the place was a little wild because of mardi gras. Many family
members were bringing food and tensions were high.
A young girl, maybe 12, stood at the gate sobbing as she saw her family member behind the bars and she was not allowed to visit with them.
Finally the guard let me talk to the main director and he immediately gave me access. I had prepared my first actual bible study lesson and we very excited to see how it went. Joseph has been coming with me and it is a HUGE blessing as he has a heart for these men too.
I went to "Linda's" cell. The men are so attentive and listened and participated for about an hour. I explained all about Saul becoming Paul and having joy while being in prison and how his life so changed when he met Jesus. One of the men looked at me and said "Just like our lives. Can you see how different our cell is compared to the other cells. That is because we have Jesus. We are teaching the ones who don't know Jesus." I am crying again as I write this. They are different!!! I can see the love of God on the their faces.
During the study, a guard came and let one of the men out. I was hoping he got to leave, but he must have just been arrested and his wife was given permission to visit. They embraced until the guard yelled at them and they stood there and cried. The men in the cell were visible moved and some were even tearing up with them. I could see the love and concern they had for their new friend. No teasing but support and concern. It was amazing to witness. This is only possible because of Jesus. This is not typical Haitian culture. Usually they laugh when someone gets hurt. I still am overwhelmed at the love that I saw and felt.
They are so hungry for more. I wish I could go every day.
I know that it is super short notice, but they are begging for song books or hymnals as we would call them. Do you think anyone would be willing to donate some money for that and could send it to me along with the team? I would love to bless them. If I remember right, mine cost about $15 US. That's just a side thought. I really just wanted to thank you and girls for praying for the men and for giving them kits. Many of the people told me they were out of soap, and I am praying that the team is bringing some.
My heart is filled with joy, as the tears run down my face. God's transforming power amazing and life changing. And this couldn't be more evident than in the faces of these men. I am blessed to be a witness to it!

March 19, 2014  
Highlight from English class-discussion with my favorite 7 yr old BOY as I was teaching conversational English
Me: How are you?
LuLu: I am....(pauses as he tries to come up with the right word then proudly announces) WOMAN!!
I laughed so hard I cried. Then I responded HEAR ME ROAR! I am sure that was lost in translation as well.

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Johnson and his friends, celebrating my birthday.  
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Fried chicken, plantains, pikliz and cake of course
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My birthday celebration. April 14, 2014 

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April 20, 2014  He has risen! Halleluiah!! A few photos from Easter morning in Haiti! So happy that Brittany Bayuk is here to celebrate with me! Traditional Easter dinner in Haiti is fish! Brittany was very brave until she spotted the eye!! After Johnson cut the head off, she was able to enjoy the rest. Happy Easter everyone!
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August 23, 2014  My new Haitian home! Ice cream business now sharing space as my kitchen. The table is my sink and large fridge is my cupboard. What else do you do with a fridge when you don't have electricity? Feel settled into my new home and even had overnight visitors last night. Meeting lots of new friends and seeing lots of old friends. First day out ministering in the village and one lady prayed to accept Jesus into her heart. Feeling blessed!

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September 11, 2014  Making compost in Fountain

November 28, 2014  
NewDay team resting at Mary and Johnson's land.

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December 6, 2014  Putting up the shade for the tree nursery

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December 2014 Building the Tree nursery
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December 7, 2014  New project in Haiti, Farmers planting for reforestation has begun. Clearing the land to build the tree nursery. Our hard day of work was rewarded with a beautiful sunset.
Step 3. Digging up hard clay soil into planting beds. Don't take your tillers for granted! I was very thankful for the shade covering.

December 9, 2014  Another step closer! The front wall for security is going up. I am trusting The Lord for funding to complete the other 3 walls. Would you consider helping by buying some block or bag of cement? God bless!
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Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, outdoor and food
Merry Christmas from Haiti!! Christmas photo:
Jhanson and I sporting our injuries...(Johnson from a motorcycle accident and mine---major cut from a run in with razor wire

Color palette of food, beans and rice, mashed potatoes, fried cabbage with sausage...
Wonderful surprise: little moringa seedlings sprouting...
Best gift: Jesus!

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December 11, 2014  The seeds are sown! Planted the sweet orange and cedar trees. I'm guessing about 1200 total. Sonson 7 and Darwin 5, are helping break up the soil. Francin, my agronomist is planting seeds, and I am sprinkling compost and then water. The dream is coming true!! Praise God!

December 12, 2014 Compassion-a little word that means so much. In the midst of 
cultivating soil, planting tree seeds, and building cement walls, God has shown me
 a way to slow down and take note of the people around me. Darwin, a small 5 year
 old, has been helping me pick rocks, carrying them in bags weighing 1/2 his body weight, rake debris, break up clay chunks into soil, always with a smile on his face and mischievous bounce in his step.
One day he had shorts on and I noticed his legs had many sores on them.
 I am not my mother, who was a nurse. In fact, even looking at his legs made my
 stomach churn. NewDay Church's mission team had just left me with many 
medical supplies, so I peroxided and medicated and bandaged and prayed
 for my new friend. After many days of treatment, the sores are starting to heal nicely.

The word got out. Now when I play nurse, I have many kids lining up for 
band aids for their cuts and scrapes.

This brings me to Natalia. A beautiful 4 year old girl, whose mom carried
 her to my house. She had big brown eye that were overly large as she
 stared at this blan(white) clinging ever so tightly to her mom. Her mother
 showed me her legs and bottom that were covered in lesions. Putting on
 a good front, I administered what I thought was the best medicine. 
Explaining that the peroxide might hurt but would make cool bubbles. 
She bravely sat in her moms lap and let this strange white woman touch her.
After I had done what I could, I prayed for her. That's the real medicine!

For the first time since our meeting, she spoke softly into her mother's ear.
The mother smiled and explained that she has asked if she could come and live with me.
My heart crumbled as The Lord showed me how a little act of compassion can impact a life.

No matter how busy we are during this season of celebrating the birth of our
 Lord, let us not forget to show compassion to those in need.
Thank you Lord for this reminder.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dec 20, 2014 email

Hi all,

I have been so busy and then tired that I haven't written in forever.  My apologies.

Exciting news, Larry and Ruth Coffing from church are coming to visit me for Christmas!  How sweet is that!  They will be here about a week.  I am hoping to experience some of Ruth's great cooking and baking skills.  And hoping Larry can help me with the planting and composting.

Had a setback yesterday.  The first seeds we planted, spanish cedar, we all eaten by ants or some little bug.  After researching on the internet, I sprayed vinegar and water on the planting bed.  This is suppose to deter the ants.  Yes, kids, in have always told you the wonders of vinegar in cleaning, and now this. Quit laughing at me!!  We are hoping to replant today.  We'll see how it looks.  The orange seed looked fine but not germinating yet.  The moringa have started germinating.  So that's good.

We have completed 2 1/2 walls.  There was more money in my support acct than I thought so was able to do a little more work.  But it will stop now until more funding comes in.  It looks so good and I am amazed at the transformation this little piece of land has undergone.  And blessed to be a part of it and excited to see what's next.  A house???

We have to find the farmers and start the training now.  Had an interesting discussion with my agronomist 2 days ago.  I was very frustrated as he wasn't working as I thought he should.  After    Our 'warm' discussion, ( wasn't quite heated) i think we understand each other much better.  I guess that the agronomist job is to take care of insects (although he had no idea with to do about the ants eating my seeds) and take care of the plants.  He will only train technicians, men who have gone to school to learn about taking care of trees) and not the farmers.  Because it is beneath him to train people who don't know anything. Those were his words.  Wow!  I have so much to learn.  So I am suppose to hire technicians to do the work I thought I hired him to do.  When I told him that we would be renegotiating his salary and I would only need him one day a week, he agreed to 'accept' doing the other jobs.  He also said that if he had a job that would take a week, but if he could get it done in a day, he would get the rest of the week off. The thinking here is so different and I am trying to understand without getting taken advantage of.  A college education is rare and held in high esteem.

I need to write more often.  I have so many things to share but have to get to work now.

Sorry!  I think of you often.  I wish each of you a blessed Christmas and wonder filled New Year.

Love you!

Prayer requests:  funding to complete the wall, for wisdom to meet with the farmers, for wisdom to know how to get rid of the ants, and for the seeds to grow and for many people to be blessed with the trees.

Oh, Johnson has to meet with the government to get the organization registered. The first appt is Monday mornings. Please pray that no one else has the name or we have to start all over, that we would have favor and the cost would be minimal.  And that it doesn't take lots of time and trips to port au prince as it is expensive and then Johnson is gone and I am here alone.  I don't like that!

And Matthew work, Haskells in Burnsville , is closing and he needs a new job.  Has possibility in same co at different location.  Please pray that God will give him the best job that fits his talents. And that he would be rewarded for all his hard efforts to help this business stay open.

And for me not to be lonely during Christmas.  And for my family not to miss me too much!!

Ok.  That's all for now.

Bye again!  Mary

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Break thru at the prison-January 2014

After a breakfast of spaghetti with hot dogs, one of my staples here, I went to the prison, accompanied by 16 year old twin boys who want to become priests.  We had no appointment at the jail, no paper from a judge for access, and no gifts to bring.  But we prayed, that God would open doors. And He did.  We waited inside the prison gate for the commandant to arrive and give us permission to enter. And we prayed for favor.  After a few minutes, a very short wait for Haiti, a guard came over and asked what our intention was.  I explained I wanted to talk about Jesus and pray for the men.  He asked what I had brought to give them.  I explained that I didn't have enough money to continue purchasing soap or food for the 300 inmates and was hoping to visit them without gifts.  He exchanged looks and then words with his fellow guards, then told us to follow him as he escorted us to the cells.  This was our first answer prayer.

Let me set the stage.  The prison has 5 cells and 300 men.  The cells are very small, dark, crammed with bodies, and smelly.  A few lucky men sat in buckets at the barred gate, breathing in fresh air.  One cell 30'x40' held 120 men.  An experience you have to see to comprehend.

I have visited before so after quick introductions, I begin to speak of the hope in Jesus to the first cell of 80-100 men.  Before i could ask them if i could pray, they asked me to pray for them and then told me they had been praying for me since my last visit.  This greatly encouraged me. 

One man from the next cell, had given his life to Jesus during my last visit.  I asked him how he was doing and if his life was any different.  He explained, with a huge smile on his face, that he no longer felt like fighting with the other men.  But when he tried to sleep, the devil would bother him.  This opened the door for me to tell them about using the name of Jesus to stop the plans of the enemy.  

The juveniles were next.  Most of them hung with their heads low as I shared Jesus's love with them.  And explained that they needed to have a relationship with Jesus, not just have knowledge about Him.  That God had good plans for their lives and they needed to make good choices.  I asked if anyone wanted Jesus to come into his heart and life.  One young man slowly looked up at me and declared he needed Jesus.  And then 3 more followed.  As we prayed the sinners prayer, I gazed at the other 'boys' and saw most of the saying the prayer with me.  After praying, they still looked downcast and hopeless.  I told them that the angels were rejoicing because of their decision and they needed to have happiness in their hearts too.  Slowly they began smiling and soon there was snickers in the cell.  God released his joy just like we prayed.

As we were leaving, I asked the four guards posted at the gate if I could pray for them.  As I prayed, The Lord gave me a word of knowledge about the man to my right having back problems.  I finished praying and opened my eyes and asked the man if he had back pain.  Before my translator could interpret, another guard who had arriving after I began praying, and who was standing directly behind the man to my right, stated in English, "That is me!  I have back problems".   I explained that when God gives a word of knowledge that He would heal that person  and asked if I could pray for him.  He asked how long it would take because he was on duty and had a task to complete.  I told him 2 minutes and proceeded to pray.  He confirmed everything that I prayed for when I was through and I believe The Lord healed him fully and completely.

I walked down the muddy, dirt street rejoicing and praising God for His faithfulness. This is the reason that I am here.  To proclaim God's promises and to share the love of Jesus.  

Thank you for partnering with me and please continue to pray.  We are making a difference.

God bless you!  

Morning of a market day in Haiti September 2013

9-9-13. I sit on my front porch spending some precious time with my Jesus, preparing for the day ahead.  Thanking him for safety and for loving me the way I am.  Asking for a message for the prisoners today and experiencing His peace.  I sit with a soft pillow behind my head, with my IPad plugged into electricity, with a cool welcoming breeze blowing across my body, before the heat and humidity of the day begins. I sit.

It is still dark and and the sun is just starting to brighten the sky into a beautiful medium blue hue. The trees making a dark silhouette against the sky, as if praising The Lord for creating them, reaching their branches in worship.

I sit and reflect and listen.  It is quiet for Haiti.  Too early for the shouts of children playing soccer on the road in front of my house.  Too early for a heated game of marbles, played in the dirt. Too early for my neighbor to blare his radio so loudly that I can't have a thought of my own.  I sit.

They do not.  They are the women heading for the market.  I hear them before I can see them.  I hear their footsteps, walking quickly and with a purpose.  I hear their shoes struggling to stay on their feet as they walk through the mud and the puddles left by the previous nights downpour.  (A downpour that filled my home with 3" of water as it came pouring in through my electricity box.).  I hear a few talking, but most walk quietly, determined.  I hear a song, someone is singing her praises to The Lord.  I hear clip, clop, clip, clop as the donkeys and mules and sometimes horses parade by carrying the wares to be sold.   I hear an occasionally swish and thud as the freshly picked branch connects with the 4 legged cargo van to reminds the mule who is in charge.  Then I hear, click, click, click, click, click as the donkey picks up the pace.   I hear the squawks of many chickens, not enjoying their journey to their final destination.  And the loudest of all, the squeals of a pig, declaring his objection to his upside down ride to the market, wishing he could have been the little piggy that stayed home.

The day is dawning, and I begin to see outlines of them walking.  Tall and straight as they balance baskets, tubs and even their chair on top of their heads.  Their eyes dart back and forth but their heads are fixed,allowing the perfectly balanced objects to stay afloat.  Some hold hands of their small children, who are required to help mom for the day.  Some are pushing wheelbarrows full of freshly picked mangoes, pineapple, potatoes, carrots, and many other vegetables that I can't identify.  Their shoulders sagging under the weight of their job.  Some walk unobstructed, allowing their mules to do the heavy work, holding only a switch in their hand.  All are focued.

A few are carrying phones that are being used as flashlights, but most walk confidently in the dark, a feat that would be miraculous for me to do.  A few carry umbrellas that will protect them from the blazing sun during the heat of the day. 

I am told some of them have been walking since midnight, bringing their wares from miles away.  Only to repeat the journey after a long hot day in the sun.  

They are going to the market.  To sell the organic grains and vegetables that they have raised.  The only source of income most of them have.  They will set up shop,  laying a tarp down on the dirt road, and placing their finest selections in small piles, arranged in a way that looks appealing to the passerby.  And then...they sit.  Waiting for someone to buy their wares so they can buy food that can't raise for their family,  so they can pay for their children's school, so they can buy clean water to drink.  They sit.

And I sit.  Enjoying the cool of the morning, thinking about making a cup of coffee, and reminded of how blessed I am.  Even the spaghetti that has become my new breakfast food, is sounding wonderful. Time to go and cook food that I purchased from these women.  

Thank you Lord, for the reminder of how blessed I am.  And bless these women today.  Amen!